The concept of mobility used to be defined by pagers and a few cell phone models the size and shape of bricks. Today, mobile devices are as varied as the people using them. They’re cropping up in organizations—whether above or below the IT radar—with an astonishing breadth of form factors and supporting platforms. But you can keep it all under control with Novell Data Synchronizer. This complement to Novell GroupWise lets you synchronize data from GroupWise to virtually any ActiveSync-enabled device. Best of all, Novell Data Synchronizer is a free entitlement for GroupWise customers with maintenance. And if you’ve got BlackBerry users, not to worry. Novell’s long-standing partnership with Research In Motion offers excellent support through the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell GroupWise.
A čo všadeprítomný iPad? Ide o jedno z najnovších "must-have" zariadení, ktoré sa už rozšírilo do viacerých organizácii. Áno, je podporované Novell Data Synchronizer-om. Alebo je možné využiť niektorú z web šablón v GroupWise 2012. Sú dizajnované špecificky pre Apple iPad rozhranie. Tieto web šablóny umožňujú sprístupniť Váš GroupWise priamo z mobilného zariadenia pre kontrolu novej pošty, správ, stretnutí, úloh a ďalších povinností.
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